"The Golden Mountain"** follows the adventures of Ottone Steker and Matteo Kopeki, protagonists from Salgari's 1901 novel. Aboard their airship *Germania*, they venture into the heart of Africa in search of the legendary Golden Mountain. They are joined by the Arab El-Kabir, who has found a document hinting at the treasure's location. Along the way, they face the ruthless merchant Altarik and the Sultan of Mhonda, both determined to reach the treasure first.
First Prize (Category B) at the 2nd International Composition Competition for Wind Band “MusiKras” (Slovenia).
"The Golden Mountain" narrates the adventures of the protagonists in the eponymous adventure novel written by Emilio Salgari in 1901. This descriptive Overture follows the exploits of Ottone Steker, a German, and his Greek companion Matteo Kopeki as they venture into the heart of Black Africa aboard a revolutionary aerial vehicle invented by Steker himself: the airship Germania, also known as "the flying train." The two aeronauts are in search of the legendary "Golden Mountain" and its fabulous treasure, of which they learned from a document by John Kambert, a British traveler who had been missing for two years. This document was found by chance by their Arab friend, El-Kabir, who joins them on their thrilling quest. Kambert, imprisoned by a fierce indigenous tribe, promises in the document to reveal the secret location of the Golden Mountain to whoever rescues him. Standing in opposition to the airship’s crew is the cruel and ruthless merchant Altarik, who has learned of the secret and organized a caravan to reach the hidden treasure first, along with the corrupt Sultan of Mhonda, a tyrannical leader of a Central African state.
The composition is divided into two main sections. The first highlights the heroic and adventurous spirit of the protagonists, with European and Arab cultural elements taking center stage harmonically and stylistically. The second section shifts focus to the African setting, where rhythmic percussion creates an atmosphere of indigenous rituals, crafting an intriguing dualism with the earlier heroic themes.
"The Golden Mountain" narrates the adventures of the protagonists in the eponymous adventure novel written by Emilio Salgari in 1901. This descriptive Overture follows the exploits of Ottone Steker, a German, and his Greek companion Matteo Kopeki as they venture into the heart of Black Africa aboard a revolutionary aerial vehicle invented by Steker himself: the airship Germania, also known as "the flying train." The two aeronauts are in search of the legendary "Golden Mountain" and its fabulous treasure, of which they learned from a document by John Kambert, a British traveler who had been missing for two years. This document was found by chance by their Arab friend, El-Kabir, who joins them on their thrilling quest. Kambert, imprisoned by a fierce indigenous tribe, promises in the document to reveal the secret location of the Golden Mountain to whoever rescues him. Standing in opposition to the airship’s crew is the cruel and ruthless merchant Altarik, who has learned of the secret and organized a caravan to reach the hidden treasure first, along with the corrupt Sultan of Mhonda, a tyrannical leader of a Central African state.
The composition is divided into two main sections. The first highlights the heroic and adventurous spirit of the protagonists, with European and Arab cultural elements taking center stage harmonically and stylistically. The second section shifts focus to the African setting, where rhythmic percussion creates an atmosphere of indigenous rituals, crafting an intriguing dualism with the earlier heroic themes.
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