Leo Capezzuto | Compositori

Leo Capezzuto

Born in Agropoli (Salerno, Italy) in 1984, Leo Capezzuto lives in Castellabate (Salerno, Italy). He began studying music at age seven at the Music School of the ''Associazione Concerto Bandistico S. Cecilia'' of Castellabate (Salerno). Since 2007, he has been the artistic and musical director of the above mentioned association with which he has organized numerous yearly events such as concerts, workshops, and cultural and musical events and activities, such as the School of Music of the Municipality of Castellabate, the Camp for Young Musicians, and the International Competition of Transcription and Instrumentation for Wind Band ''R. Leoncavallo.'' After graduating with a degree in trumpet performance in 2002 at the Conservatory of Music ''G. Martucci'' in Salerno, he collaborated with various symphonic orchestra, chamber groups, and wind ensemble. Since 2001, he has performed with the ''Orchestra Filarmonica Salernitana'' and the Orchestra of the Opera Theater in Salerno, taking part in, among others, national and international tours with internationally renowned conductors and soloists. Besides his performing activity as a soloist and with orchestras, he is also a member of the chamber group ''Cilento Brass Quintet''. He also studied Choral Composition and Choral Conducting at the conservatories of Frosinone and Salerno and participated in various workshops ad courses for conducting and wind band instrumentation. Moreover, he received bachelor degrees in Music, Science and Sound Technologies and in Music Education. Currently, he teaches trumpet in middle and high schools with musical focus.

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